


我们现在 接受申请 2024-2025学年!

感谢您对布洛克学前班的兴趣! You may also come by our school office between the hours of 8 am and 3:30 pm Monday-Friday to pick up an application. Once we receive your application for the school year in which your child will be 4 years old, 我们会把你孩子的名字放在该学年的等候名单上. A student must be 4 years old by September 1st of the school year to enroll and a birth certificate must accompany the application to document proof of age eligibility. A student must also be a resident of Georgia and proof of address eligibility must accompany the pre-k application. Acceptable forms of documentation verifying Georgia residence include the following: current lease, 物业税通知书, 房主的保险账单, 抵押贷款的声明, 现时车辆登记表格, 孩子目前的资格文件, 或者水电费账单,上面写着住所作为服务地址.

If you are interested in touring Bulloch Academy or putting your child on our priority enrollment list, 请让我们知道, 我们很乐意在这个过程中帮助你. 如果您想了解更多信息,请联系安吉·多特里 (电子邮件保护). We wish you the best in your educational endeavors and hope you will be a part of our BA family in the near future. Please be in touch if you have any questions or would like additional information.


可以找到最新的BA学生手册的副本 在这里!


澳门银河有三个 光明从一开始 由乔治亚州彩票资助的幼儿园, 也就是说我们的课程不需要学费, though there are some optional fees including lunch and after-school daycare if parents choose for their child to participate. Each class has two teachers and allows a maximum of 20 students for a total of 60 spots. The spots are filled first by priority enrollment (children of alumni or employees, 澳门银河学生的兄弟姐妹, or those pre-registered for kindergarten) and then by date of receipt of applications.

有兴趣在BA预先登记幼稚园的家长. Registrati幼儿园等候名单上:1美元,200英镑,这笔钱算在挂号费里, 申请费, and tuition at the time the child enters Kindergarten and is due when registering. 如果孩子没有参加,所有费用将不予退还. Pre-registration for kindergarten also designates an application as priority enrollment status and that application would move to the top of the waiting list behind children of alumni or employees and siblings of current students. There is no fee for pre-k, so pre-registration for kindergarten is completely optional.

Acceptance letters for each school year will be mailed out the last week of February, 在学年之前. Your child’s teacher will send welcome letters over the summer and the class list will be posted during pre-planning.


学前班每天早上7:50开始,下午2:30结束. 父母 arriving between 7:30 am and 7:50 am are asked to escort their child(ren) to the lunchroom for supervision until classrooms are ready to accept students at 7:50 am. 父母 may use our car pool line from 7:45 am to 8:05 am but must walk their child into the office after 8:05 am to sign in with a tardy slip. 父母 are also welcome to park and walk their child to his or her classroom but we ask that parents please not linger in the classroom. 父母 are invited and welcome to join us in many aspects of play and learning throughout the school day and year. 父母 may sign up for special activities with each teacher and upon arrival, 在低年级办公室签到以获得访客徽章. 父母 picking up children before 2:30 pm need to sign them out at the lower school office for an early dismissal form.

光明从一开始 要求儿童参加6个月的课程.每天5小时,每周5天,180天的学年. Failure to comply with these attendance requirements could result in disenrollment.

The afternoon carpool line is in front of the pre-k building and teachers assist each child into the vehicle at dismissal. 学生 not picked up at 2:30 will be escorted to the afterschool program in the cafeteria. 课外活动从下午2:30到下午6点,有兴趣的家庭可以参加. 家长可以选择旁听或全日制. 课外活动由澳门银河负责,而不是由 bft 情的程序. 如果电话号码有变动,请及时通知学校, 地址, 或者谁能或不能在整个学年里接送你的孩子.


Please let the school know of any dietary restrictions or medical concerns your child may have. 家长每月都会收到一份菜单,里面有午餐和零食可供选择. 午餐4美元.每天25美元,或者父母可以为他们的孩子提供家庭午餐. 每天为学前班学生提供零食. 当学生有午餐余额时,家长会收到通知, and students with repeated past-due balances will need to bring their lunch and will not be able to charge lunches. 学生 who meet requirements for free lunch will be asked to submit documentation for eligibility.

Bulloch Academy has partnered up with Lexington Independents to provide a fresh, 健康的, 为每位学生提供创新的用餐体验. Lexington is a chef-centric culinary management company that will source seasonal foods from local farms to appeal to all ages!

Rotating menus will feature nutritional information and will be authentically prepared, 把学生的健康和口味放在第一位!


Bulloch Academy is fortunate to have many wonderful resources right here in our community to provide students with multiple field trip opportunities. We ask for a one time $25 field trip fee or donation to help cover the cost of transportation and admission to some of the trips scheduled. 光明从一开始 鼓励实地考察机会,但不包括所有费用, so we welcome donations or sponsors from businesses or individuals wanting to donate. We also order pre-k t-shirts for students and interested parents to wear for field trips and special events. 所有的孩子都将被包括在任何 光明从一开始 活动或学前实地考察,无论贡献.


For a one-time fee, nap mats and blankets are provided to students for rest time. It is the responsibility of the parent to provide a crib sheet or toddler bed sheet and a king sized pillow case to contain all of the rest time materials. 请在枕套上清楚地标明您孩子的名字. 学生 will also need a change of clothes to keep in the classroom and a book bag to take home our weekly folders. 卷书袋 允许. We ask that parents please label all articles of clothing and place them in a large zip-lock bag with the child’s name clearly marked.
